Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The economy

One issue that affects me and my family as well as others is the economy. Right now the economy is so bad and it has really affected us. By just talking to friends and people in our community it has really been tough on everyone. I honestly don't know how I would argue this point because it in some ways is so contriversal and in some ways out of our hands. I do think, people with small businesses and such should all try their best to get their voices heard on how bad things are. If you argue and tell them what would help maybe they might listen. It's a tough situation to argue about because there is so much to say, but alot of it we have no control over.

My moma says I can argue with a brick wall....

I honestly don't know the most effective way to argue. If you are just arguing to argue then you probably wont accomplish very much at all! Probably the best way to argue would be listen to the other person and not just pop off at the mouth and think about what your going to say. When you say it be rational and be an adult about it. Screaming and cussing doesn't get you anywhere. I know my biggest problem is that I ALWAYS have to have the last word. It never fails ad every time I do, the argument just escalates and becomes even worse. I know whats going to happen but I just cant control myself! If you are rational about it then the problem will be resolved quicker and way better than it would if you just jumped off and started yelling and screaming. Most people don't know how to be rational because there are so mad to being with confrontation doesn't help. If you are arguing for a good reason then you could accomplish something in the sorts of recognition or someone in a higher position will see what your arguing about ( maybe animals ) and make happen what your arguing about. On the other hand if you are just arguing for all the wrong reason's it wont accomplish anything in my opinion.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My hero...

I would define a hero as being an important figure in your life because they have helped you overcome an event or has always been there and done things for you when no one else was. People probably have many of their own definitons but I think ultimitly that is what everyone's is based on. My hero would be my grandma, my parents, and of course the Lord! my grandma was my rock. She was the half that made me whole ( as cheesy as that sounds). I could tell her anything and I know she wouldnt tell anyone. She supported me in anything, it didnt matter if I was the most craziest unrealistic thing, she always told me to go for it. We were so much alike, we thought just alike and we looked alot a like (when she was in her younger days of course!) Thats why she and everyone else called me Mini Me. I went to her house everyday and stayed for hours. I love every minute of it. She was an important figure in my life and made a VERY big impact on my life. My parents are my other heros. They have always been there for me no matter what. My family has the closest relationship and I am very fortunate for that. All through high school, pageants, sports, wedding planning, and college they are soo supportive. My parents have always tried to give us everything even if they had to do without, but they didnt care if we were happy. They have been the ones to influence all my dicisons and they have all been in a positive way. Of course the Lord is my hero. He is there with me everystep of the way! I wouldnt have my awsome family, friends, or life if it hadnt been for him. I owe all of it to him!


I think evil as being very mean, kiniving, and hateful. Most people that you would call "evil" have absolutley no respect, are hateful to everyone, and like to hurt people, whether it is mentally or phyically in my opinion. The dictonary defines evil as " morally reprehensible, or causing harm". I completely agree with that. A good decription of evil of would be the devil to me. When you do something out of norm and its not in a good way I believe its the devil trying to overcome the graces of God. Also if you have ever thought about it if you drop the "D" you get EVIL! I have sat and sat to try and think of the perfect description but nothing really comes to mind expect the words I said above. Evil people have a bad way of thinking and can hurt people and it not even phase them.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


With all the bad things going on outside our country it really does affect us. The war has been a big issue with oil. Prices go up and up and up! It got to were it was unbearbale for a while and they have slowly came back down but they are still high compared to 5 years ago! Its like rickasha, what ever happens over seas affects come right back to us and afffects us too. Japan and China's sales have all gone down just as well as ours. Everyones economy is bad right now. When a war or something breaks out we have to watch out for terrorist attackes. There are si many things that have affected us because of things happening over seas.


Well first off I think that your responsibility within your home or community never end. That is where the bases for responibility start in my opinion. You have the responisblity to be respectful, do chores, and so fourth. Then comes our responsibility for our state and then our country. I honestly think when it gets to the point of being outside our country it is debatable. Many epople think since it is not directly at them they dont have to care and if they cant do anytning about it then why worry. I do believe though that will everything going on like the war in Iraq, the economy cris we should keep up our daily responsibilites. They may not be much but its the little things that matter. We have laws that we have to go by whether we agree or not we haver to deal with it. If we just be responsible people and not make things worse than they already are I think things would go alot smoother.